After Impressive Pandemic Showing, Rail Poised to Become the Beating Heart of America’s Industrial Resurgence

1 Jun 2023


Looking at a map of the 140,000-mile-long U.S. rail network you could imagine it as a nation-spanning circulatory system. Its tracks have the branching look of a land-based vascular organ, pumping passengers, and needed goods from within the central parts of the country and out to its extremities.

In 2022, the pace of this system started to resume its natural rhythm. Both freight (+7 percent Car Loads) and passenger (+134 percent Passenger Miles) rail services have seen substantial increases compared to 2020 as they recover from COVID-19-related shocks. Freight rail service providers moved 12.1 million carloads of goods to market, and passenger rail providers moved 22.9 million passengers to their destinations around the country last year.

Read the complete article from Expansion Solutions Magazine here