Speed to Market
March 28, 2024
Category: Aerospace, Financial Services, Shared Services
Columbus, Georgia offers fast speed-to-market with grad certified sites (shovel-ready sites), a fast permitting process, and a strong supply chain. Columbus, Georgia is pro-business, pro-growth, and everyone from the Chamber to the Government, utility providers and higher education partners will work with you to help find a suitable site, secure any available financial incentives, move permits through quickly, and help you find workers to get started right away.
Choose Columbus, Georgia. We have shovel-ready sites and available buildings, A strategic location with diverse transportation assets, a strong utility supply, an educated workforce, and amenities to make your business thrive. Visit www.ChooseColumbusGA.com for site information and no-cost assistance. #AbundantWater #ShovelReadySite #ChooseColumbus #AffordableBusinessLocation #GrowingWorkforce #Transportation #SpeedToMarket #FastPermits