Water & Utilities
January 24, 2024
Category: Aerospace, Financial Services

Columbus, Georgia has multiple utility providers offering affordable energy from diversified sources. Georgia Power Company provides safe, reliable, affordable energy for about 2.7 million customers in the state of Georgia. Liberty Utilities provides natural gas to over 65,000 customers, be it residential, commercial, and industrial. And, we've got 30 million gallons a day of available clean drinking water that’s high quality for beverage manufacturing and can support data center cooling needs and other manufacturers. We don’t have to go out and get permit approval to expand water capacity - we have the capacity now! AT&T provides broadband to businesses and residents.
Choose Columbus, Georgia. We have shovel-ready sites and available buildings, A strategic location with diverse transportation assets, a strong utility supply, an educated workforce, and amenities to make your business thrive. Visit www.ChooseColumbusGA.com for site information and no-cost assistance. #AbundantWater #AffordableEnergy #ShovelReadySite #ChooseColumbus #AffordableBusinessLocation #GrowingWorkforce